Adults have a job, children have toys. He spends hours with them daily. They learn not only motor skills, but also develop their imagination, their senses, learn to understand how the world works and how to realize it. But not every toy has the same function, and not everyone will help your child to develop their full potential. How to choose the right one?
Age matters
In order to fully exploit the potential of a toy, a child must be age-appropriate. Smaller children are only developing their senses and strength, so complex and great things are unsuitable for them. On the other hand, children of pre-school age can retain even larger objects, understand their meaning and are so motor-savvy that the physical characteristics of the object recede into the background. On the other hand, there is a fantasy of children. In addition, some toys may not be safe for all groups of children - for example, suffocation or sharp edge injuries. Therefore, choose your baby for his age. For example, bouncersthey are only suitable for a surely walking child. Many parents believe that a bumper will help the child to learn to walk before, but the opposite is true. A child can hurt himself because his muscles are not sufficiently developed. Visit here: for more information.
Less is more with toys
In order for your child to learn as many skills as possible, you do not have to have a games room at home full of toys. Conversely, fewer things allow the child to examine them individually and in detail. In addition, he will have to engage his imagination to entertain himself after a long time. If you want to benefit him the most, let him play only a few things. Save the rest and replace after two to three weeks. So a lot of items won't distract the baby, and every month they'll be happy to get something new. Only return toys to circulation after a few months, when the child has developed other abilities and can discover their new potential. For example, building blocks can be used to train a small baby, a larger toddler to practice fine motor skills, and a preschool child can build a variety of castles and houses or engage imagination to replace chairs in a doll house.
The secret is in simplicity
Some parents forget that play is what the child learns. Complex toys that leave little room for his imagination will not move him further. Dolls acting like living or objects that play when a button is pressed, toddlers suggest their meaning, but the game should be that the child makes sense to them. Therefore, Montessori toys, for example, are not suitable for their simplicity - on the contrary, they force fantasy into play. Suitable for babies are different rubber shapes, preschoolers will appreciate the dollhouse or children's kitchen, which can simulate parents or real life.
Mom can't help
Whether you give a baby a sensory toy or a preschooler workshop, remember that the child must play alone or with other children. If you constantly give or explain something to him, not only will he not learn to be independent, but will also deprive him of a lot of fun. Imagination is the best companion and creative thinking is useful in adulthood.
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